The Monkey Island SCUMM Bar

The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood Review

The review is late, as the reviewer's copy was released only hours before the game was available for the public.

Tales of Monkey Island has had a very good run so far, some might even say surprisingly good. And while the three previous games were great, this fourth chapter feels like the game I've been waiting for. Not one that's simply close to the first two games in the series, but one that fully is an equal.

I know some, maybe many, won't agree, and that's fine. But to me, this is about as good as a Monkey Island game can get. And that's a pretty big compliment. In fact, plot aside, I feel this chapter could have been put into LeChuck's Revenge, and it would have fit in seamlessly, quality-wise. Hyperbole? Maybe. But that's what I took away from the game.

Be it the puzzles connected to the trial, or a couple of extremely surprising twists and turns -- the biggest being Earl Boen returning -- The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood hits multiple homeruns. It's the most pirate-y of the series, almost screaming dargh in your face, and the humor surpasses Lair of the Leviathan.

In fact, the only issue I had with the game was the voice of Stan. It felt too slow and calm. The writing is what it should be, but not delivered overly well by the actor.

That's a minor criticism though. On the up-side, Floatsam Island does not feel recycled as there are plenty of new things and people to see and interact with. My favorite new location is Club 41, which feels very much like the original SCUMM Bar, down to parts of the original cue being used in the music.

I don't even know why I'm bothering fawning over the game, as you've probably already made up your mind, but there you go. The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood is, for me, one of the finest moments in the series of Monkey Island. And if you don't agree, you can bite me.


  • Great writing.
  • Great story.
  • Great everything.


  • Stan's voice is a bit too docile.


The best chapter of Tales of Monkey Island so far, and the best chapter I've seen in the Monkey Island saga since LeChuck's Revenge.

Agree? Or are you plainly wrong and disagree? Post your comments at Mojo!